Episode #14: The Carnivore Diet! Ins & Outs, Benefits, & Downsides


In this episode, I’m joined by a fellow FDN practitioner and friend, Jennifer Woodward. Together we take a deep dive into the ins and outs, benefits, and downsides of the carnivore diet.

Jennifer specializes in helping busy, overwhelmed moms get to the bottom on their chronic health issues using functional lab tests and a holistic, caring approach to wellness. 

She has successfully worked with hundreds of women in her group coaching programs and in her private California practice. 

She loves working with women to help them nourish their families and themselves. 

Both Jennifer and I have done our own experiments with the carnivore diet and in our discussion, we share our insights.

Our interview covers the following:

  • What exactly the carnivore diet is and the three levels of it

  • The science of, the rationale behind it, and reasons to implement

  • Whether or not this diet is meant for short-term therapeutic use only or if there are situations where it would be a benefit to do it long-term or perhaps make a permanent lifestyle choice

  • The reasons why so many people have and continue to experience a reversal of many health issues after sticking with this diet for a period of time

  • Whether or not there are dangers of doing this diet long-term such as severe nutrient depletion, becoming too acidic, too much strain on the kidneys and other organs, and more

  • Scenarios where this diet may not be safe or wise to try

  • Health challenges that may benefit the most from going carnivore

  • What inspired Jennifer to do a 30-day trial with this diet and her experiences with it

  • Things everyone should know before attempting this diet and hacks to implement while doing it to ensure your success and safety

You can connect with Jennifer at www.reformedmetabolics.com