Empowered Health

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Episode #10: Overcoming Fear! How To Get Out Of The Way Of Your Body Healing!

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Today’s broadcast is all about overcoming fear and getting out of the way of your body’s innate healing capacity. To help me dive into this topic I am joined by fellow FDN-P, Sheri Levy.

Sheri is a former marketing executive that left the industry when she could no longer, in good conscience, promote junk-food brands within the entertainment sector aimed at children. At this time, 1 out of every 2 children was struggling with chronic health challenges and her children were no exception.

Then, In 2015, despite 7 years of annual mammograms, Sheri was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Breast Cancer, double-positive, triple aggressive.

In the first months of her diagnosis, she was able to use her knowledge to identify her cancer’s pathology and the breakdown in her body that allowed it to ignite 10 years before it was detected by "modern" technology. Armed with the understanding of therapeutic pathways, she began healing the “why” of her cancer, system by system, organ by organ.

In November of 2017, two days before Thanksgiving, a sensitive, BioCept® blood test that looks at 1 in 1 million cells out of 32.2 trillion proclaimed Sheri to have NO detectable metastatic breast cancer tumor cells!

In our interview, we discuss:

  • Sheri’s personal story as it relates to overcoming fear and getting out of the way of the body healing

  • Some of the most common fears that arise for people amidst health challenges; particularly amidst invisible illnesses that are not well understood such as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Lyme, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, etc.

  • Some of the most common unhealthy and destructive ways for approaching such fears

  • Why humans tend to gravitate towards coping with fear in unhealthy/destructive ways way more than healthy/productive ways

  • Some brain science behind why negative thoughts and beliefs seem to stick to us like velcro and why it’s SO hard to break out of negative thinking and behavior ruts

  • How living in a state of chronic fear impedes the body’s ability to heal

  • And, most importantly, Sheri’s top tips and strategies for overcoming fear and getting out of the way of your body’s ability to heal, especially when there are legitimate concerns such as financial stress, lack of support, invalidation, harsh judgments, and more!

You can connect with Sheri at https://sexystronglife.com/